There are probably very few people in the world of barbershopping who do not know the name "Joe Connelly". He is known as a successful quartet lead singer, judge in the Presentation category of SPEBSQSA and a full-time coach in this unique musical field.
Joe's past accomplishments as a quartet lead include three International Championship quartets - The Interstate Rivals (1987), Keepsake (1992), and PLATINUM (2000). That achievement made Joe the first man ever to win the quartet championship three times.
Joe is the former director The Toast of Tampa Show Chorus, which is a past Sweet Adelines International Chorus Champion (1993).
We are proud to say that Joe has been coaching Coastline since our early days in 1997. We owe much of our growth and success to his continued support, expertise, unflagging enthusiasm and positive approach. Coastline always looks forward to the next opportunity to be "Connellized"!